How to Give the Best Wedding Speeches: Mastering Microphone Techniques

Giving a speech at a wedding is a significant honor and you’ll want to make sure your words are heard loud and clear. Most of us don’t have a lot of experience using microphones but with a crowd of a hundred or more people, a microphone is essential. So, how can you use a microphone effectively?

1. Master Microphone Placement

Microphone placement is key. Often, people hold the mic too far from their mouth, making the audio engineer crank up the volume, leading to feedback. On the other hand, holding it too close picks up unwanted sounds. Ideally, the mic should be 2-3 inches from your mouth and pointed directly at it, not by your chest facing upwards. This way, we hear your words clearly without any unwanted sounds!

Occasionally, someone will get ready to give a speech and, when using the microphone, will be startled by how loud their voice sounds to them. This is what we want! If it feels loud, don't pull the mic away. More than likely, you're right near the speakers, but guests at the back of the room will thank you for it.

2. Get Comfortable with the Equipment

Don't hesitate to ask the person you’re renting a microphone from for advice and ask to familiarize yourself with the microphone before the event. Do a sound check to ensure optimal volume and clarity! Understand the basic functions of the microphone you’ll be using. Know how to turn the microphone on and off, and don't hesitate to ask for help. The professional renting the microphone is there to assist you, so feel free to ask any questions.

3. Maintain Proper Technique Throughout Your Speech

Remember, proper mic placement is crucial. Keep it pointed towards your mouth, about 2-3 inches away, and keep your head up. By maintaining consistent technique throughout your speech, you’ll ensure your voice is clear and your message is heard. Speak Clearly! Enunciate your words and speak at a steady pace. This will help ensure that everyone in the room can understand you.

Last tip, hold the microphone from the middle and make sure your hand isn’t cupping the metal mesh head of the microphone. This will ensure you have a crisp and clear sound! 

Following these tips will help you deliver a fantastic speech without any technical hiccups. You've got this!


Microphone Options for your Wedding Ceremony!